Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 4, Thing 8!

Ha! I have reached Thing 8!!!! I think I have selected blogs that I will actually be interested in reading and obtaining information (as well as some laughs). I like the idea of RSS and bloglines because it will give me a list of things I am interested in reading without going to tons of sites. It also led me to subscribe to sites that I would not normally think of checking. Libraries could use the bloglines to help keep everyone informed of library related news, which is why I suspect that we needed to subscribe to bloglins as part of the 23 things. I know as a part time employee, I probably would not look into Library Journal News, but I subscribed, and I am ecstatic about receiving the Unshelved comic as part of my subscription as well! I think it will be a positive experience, but I am starting to become overwhelmed by all of the passwords I have created for all of these accounts.

I tried to do the optional activity but I am having a terrible time trying to share my bloglines account... I will have to ask someone, and hopefully it will be up before the end of this week. It's a shame since I picked some really good feeds. :(

1 comment:

catbird said...

Ditto on those passwords! You have a great looking blog; you don't seem intimidated by any of this stuff. I must admit that week four looks intimidating to me.
Oh, and by the way, you've been tagged. Go to d's blog for details.