Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 3, Thing 6

Here is what I imagined could be a mashup... it was taken from a site my friend showed me and it combines different photos and text.

I also think that a neat Flickr mashup would be the mapping application (Mapr). I like the idea that if someone takes a picture of an awesome old building, you can map it so other people admiring the work can know where to find it. You could also do that with unique landforms, and possibly take the photograph and information and learn more about the subject with more background knowledge, like location.

Flickr is cool!


JimD said...

You're moving right along through this. It's interesting, isn't it? I found the Flickr and the image generator things some of the most fun.

Kate said...

I just wanted to say thank you for the encouragement on my blog!